29.4. |
|Praha - Libeň - metro Palmovka |
kommunity garden Kotlaska - kckotlaska.cz |
Opening of Regular Didgeridoo classes in Jurta of Kotlaska community centre in Prague.
beginners: 9-12:00 - Introduction into musical world by simple exhale, conscious breathing by diaphragm, basic sounds and rhytms, view into circulation breathing. 500,- registration on lkpilnaj(@)volny.cz !!!
advanced players 14-18:00 (handling circulation breathing). Intensive seminar focused on effective diaphragm use, non-drone percussive playng, use of metronome and claves in off-beat. Intend is to set individual practice routine for players at home later on, seting simple home recording. Cost 700,- , 500,- for regular students. registration on mail above.
Instruments to borrow or buy will be available for participants
Detailed info later